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Why luxury homes always have a water feature

Why luxury homes always have a water feature When you look at luxury homes in magazines or see them on the real estate or design shows on TV, one consistent design element we see in these homes is a water feature. Water features in Feng Shui practices activate the...

Adding fish to your water feature

Adding fish to your water feature If you’ve decided you would like to add a water feature to your home or business, consider a type of water feature that you could add fish to. Water features when placed in auspicious zones in a home or business are said to increase...

Bring a small backyard to life with a water feature

Bring a small backyard to life with a water feature With the ever increasing Australian population and the current house prices, we see the Aussie dream of owning your home not only dwindling but land sizes as well. Back in the day the average back yard consisted of a...